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Flag IMO ⇅   MMSI ⇅   Vessel name ⇅   Call Sign Type ⇅   Length ⇅   Beam ⇅   Live Map & info
9360154 215146000 CMA CGM ARISTOTE 9HA4981 Cargo 170 27
9722651 256644000 CMA CGM ARKANSAS 9HA3973 Cargo 299 48
9938365 1 CMA CGM ATLAS n.a. Cargo n.a. n.a.
9433793 215485000 CMA CGM ATTILA 9HA2742 Cargo 334 42
9938248 256598000 CMA CGM BAHIA 9HA5899 Cargo 336 51
9926207 256835000 CMA CGM BAIKAL 9HA5991 Cargo n.a. n.a.
9344655 229528000 CMA CGM BALBOA 9HA5511 Cargo 186 27
9867827 229393000 CMA CGM BALI 9HA5482 Cargo 366 51
9322475 229842000 CMA CGM Barracuda 9HA5614 Cargo 294 32
9302956 215891000 CMA CGM Beira 9HA2792 Cargo 210 30
Found 332 vessels