Sea Airports located in Commercial Seaports

Find any of 1,370 Airports located in different Seaports worldwide, Arrivals and Departures, Route Distance, nearby Sea and Airports located in the same region for logistics convenience

Flag City Country Airport Type IATA ICAO Airport Info
Aalborg Denmark Aalborg Airport Sea Airport AAL EKYT
Aarhus Denmark Aarhus Airport Sea Airport AAR EKAH
Billund Denmark Billund Airport Inland Airport BLL EKBI
Copenhagen Denmark Copenhagen Kastrup Airport Sea Airport CPH EKCH
Copenhagen Denmark Copenhagen Roskilde Airport Inland Airport RKE EKRK
Esbjerg Denmark Esbjerg Airport Sea Airport EBJ EKEB
Karup Denmark Karup Airport Inland Airport KRP EKKA
Odense Denmark Odense Airport Sea Airport ODE EKOD
Ronne Denmark Bornholm Airport Inland Airport RNN EKRN
Sindal Denmark Sindal Airport Inland Airport CNL EKSN
Found 14 airports